Family Law
Care of Children

We can provide advice on any disputes relating to the care of children, including arrangements for day-to-day care and issues of guardianship or adoption. Melanie is a Senior Lawyer for Child and Youth Advocate, and accepts appointments as a Lawyer to Assist the Court in various matters.
Relationship Property

We draft relationship property agreements and can represent you in relationship property court proceedings. Whether you are at the start of a relationship or need help to divide property when a relationship ends, it is important that relationship property agreements are crafted carefully and precisely to ensure they remain legally binding.
Family Violence

If you have been the victim of domestic violence including physical, psychological, and emotional abuse, we can assist in applying for a Protection Order. On the other hand, if you have been served with Protection Order, we can assist in defending the proceedings if you believe the order to be unwarranted.
Oranga Tamariki

If your children are under the legal framework of Oranga Tamariki, or you are a caregiver wanting to obtain permanent care of children after Oranga Tamariki involvement, we can advocate for you and represent you in proceedings. We attend Family Group Conferences and assist you to apply for custody orders, guardianship orders, access orders, and support orders.